Install a New Spa for That Resort Ambiance Right at Home

swimming pool builder

Home spas, also known to many as hot tubs, are a great addition to any home. Today, they are much more accessible than ever before—models come in all shapes and sizes, making something affordable for every budget. Plus, you can install them just about anywhere that you’d like, provided that you’ve got the structure in place.

Spa vs. Hot Tub: Which Is It?

Technically, spas refer to the in-ground spas, the heated units that are built into the ground, often next to a pool like you’d see at a gym or hotel. Hot tubs, on the other hand, refer to the above-ground units that are portable and self-contained. While hot tubs have built-in plumbing and electrical systems, an in-ground spa may require a pump, plumbing, and electrical components to be installed.

Talk to your installer about the options so that you can plan your budget accordingly. An outdoor above-ground spa will cost a fraction of what you could spend on an in-ground model that has room for the whole family.

Tips for Installation

The biggest tip with installing any type of water features, such as a hot tub or a pool, is that you need to check zoning requirements and any building restrictions that might be in place. If you live in a community with a homeowner’s association, you’ll need to know their rules regarding pools and spas. That way, you can take care of any necessary paperwork, fees, or permits, in advance.

If you want a quick, affordable installation, stick with an above-ground unit. However, if you want to create a truly spa-like experience or turn your backyard into a resort of its own, an in-ground or customized spa might be a better choice. Fortunately, you’ll find plenty of options in both categories.

Planning is a big part of success for any hot tub or spa installation. Part of that includes educating yourself on the process and knowing what to expect along the way. When done well, you’ll have a great new space in no time.

Staycations and Parties Will Never Be the Same

If you’ve been looking for a way to spruce up the backyard, or you like the idea of having access to resort-like features right at home, a spa could be the perfect option. Plus, when you have family gatherings or host barbecues, everyone will be raving about your new addition. With so many styles and options available today, you’ll find the perfect fit, no matter what that means to you.

If you’ve been thinking about a new spa for your backyard but you haven’t been able to decide, let this be your sign. Call an installer right away so that you can get your new spa installation underway as soon as possible. Even if you’re not sure exactly what you want, your pool and spa provider will be able to help you through the process of selecting and setting up your new hot tub or spa installation in no time.